Solutions for your patients and your practice

Scale your behavioral health services with PTA


National network


Care coordination


Integrated workflow

Deliver care nationwide with Vantis’ network of telemedicine providers. We take care of credentialing and training so you can scale up quickly. 

Manage complex conditions with access to Vantis specialists. Reduce unnecessary ED and in-patient utilization. 

Seamless integration with your workflow and EHR. Leverage our platform or utilize existing infrastructure.  

Pediatric Practices and Groups

PTA helps pediatricians ensure that their patients receive the evidence-based care they need when presenting behavioral and mental health concerns. Our panel of high-quality pediatric specialists serves your practice to deliver high quality, individualized care plans that improve patient outcomes.

Primary Care Centers

Many pediatric patients now access behavioral and mental health treatment via primary care settings. Integrating PTA’s virtual care solutions into your primary care office improves patient outcomes and provides new service line opportunities.

Children’s Hospitals

PTA telemedicine providers can render a wide range of in-patient behavioral and mental treatment services to children’s hospitals, delivering the most appropriate and least restrictive level of care. PTA helps children’s hospitals to lower inappropriate admissions, reduce length of stays and readmissions, as well as increase compliance and reduce liability.

Community Mental Health Centers and FQHCs

PTA offers scheduled behavioral and mental telemedicine services to Community Mental Health Clinics and Federally Qualified Health Centers. A consistent panel of providers serves a regular caseload of clients during scheduled hours. PTA is experienced at meeting the unique needs of every community.

School Systems

Schools can supplement services with PTA telemedicine-based counselors and therapists. Our providers can perform assessments, medication management, treatment, team meetings, and more – serving as a robust staffing augmentation solution.

Substance and Opioid Use Settings

PTA can provide mental and behavioral providers specializing in substance use disorders, medication management, supervision, and crisis intervention. PTA specialists act as regular members of the clinic’s treatment team during a scheduled block of time.

Health Systems

PTA helps health systems meet the growing behavioral and mental health needs of their evolving member populations. PTA provides the people, resources, and expertise to serve pediatric populations with a wide variety of presenting conditions. PTA specialists coordinate with the care team to improve outcomes across the spectrum of care.

Juvenile Detention Centers

Youth in juvenile facilities often require careful and structured intervention for behavioral and mental conditions. PTA’s pediatric psychiatrists and specialists understand the needs of this special population and can assist in meeting state and federal guidelines for mandated care.